Certified Repair Area
At Usedcompoundbow.com we have a certified repair area that can fix all makes of bows and crossbows. We are able to replace, fix and tune anything archery. Best way to start this is to live chat a tech with questions or fill out the form below. We will then be able to give you an estimate on the repairs and timeframe. You can rest assured we will get you repaired and back out shooting. Average turn around time is less than a week unless parts are needed that take longer.
Services & Pricing
Full Bow Setup: $100
Draw Length Adjustment: $20.00
Paper Tune & Time Bow: $25
Fall Away Rest Install: $30
Fall Away Rest Install With Tune: $40
Sight Install: $20
Sight Install &Sighted In (at 20 yards): $30
Rest Rebuild/Re-Cord: $20
Sight Mark Tape: $20
Bareshaft Tune: $60
Sighting In Crossbow: $30
Broadhead Tune: $40
Peep Tie: $10
Restrings: $80 Labor + String Cost